Become an @theBarre Instructor
Accredited Australian Group Fitness training courses for professionals
@theBarre is a registered Fitness Australia Barre program offering two uniquely different barre style classes in one training. One stabilizing, stretching and toning and the other strong, energetic and functional. Fusing Pilates, fitness training, yoga, ballet and dance, it is a total Barre class using the ballet barre, and Pilates small equipment to integrate the fundamentals of Pilates, strong core work, functional low impact gym exercises and dance for a complete all round workout. @theBarre classes use a range of music so you can banish the 128bpm monotony! With all of the tracks pre-choreographed, the programs are easy to learn and teach while still providing a challenging and fun workout. @theBarre Tone & @theBarre Amplify are perfect for all fitness levels, and are ideal for boutique studios and gyms alike.
To become a certified @theBarre instructor and receive 15 CEC's you must complete our full @theBarre Tone & @theBarre Amplify training and assessment. You will then be eligible to teach @theBarre anywhere in or outside Australia, Upgrade your offering each quarterly with new moves, new music and new magic for your clients! We do not charge licensing fees to teach @theBarre - You will learn to use every piece of barre equipment in one course, no need to keep upgrading, once you're certified, you're certified!
Instructor prerequisites:
Compulsory: Cert III & IV in Fitness from a recognised Australian Institution such as FIA (Fitness Institute Australia).
Any Les Mills course, Pilates, Ballet, Yoga or group fitness training.
For more information on prerequisite training visit:
Fitness Australia for all information on learning and development
FIA (Fitness Institute Austr alia) for Cert III & IV in group fitness
Upcoming Courses:
@theBarre Tone & @theBarre Amplify training Contact for custom training dates. BOOK for studio training
In studio training is @theBarre Rose Bay Studio We train year round and courses can be done online. Next training dates begin 9 November 2023
$1275 plus GST includes one price for two uniquely different Barre class programs and formats.
Bring a buddy and receive an extra 5% discount
Payment plan available - must be paid in full prior to course date
To register:
Click to download the pre-training registration form HERE and email this document and relevant certifications to
You will also be required to complete the release of liability form at the course (compulsory)
Course Objectives and Criteria:
At the completion of this course Instructors will be able to:
Understand and confidently teach the format of the @theBarre Programs
Demonstrate the ability to correctly perform all the @theBarre exercises
Understand the purpose and benefit of each @theBarre exercise
Give options for different levels of @theBarre students within a class therefore addressing individual needs and levels of fitness
Makes sure the programs are delivered safely and effectively and you’re instructing to your full potential.
Understand Pilates Yoga & Ballet principles
Learn different breathing techniques
Understand what it means to be centred and mindful
Learn moving meditation techniques
Learn where to find music lists using providers such as Spotify, Power music for PPCA free studios and license free options.
Leave the course able and confidant to teach each program
Pre-Course Training:
It is recommended that you attend a few @theBarre classes to familiarise yourself with the program before you begin the course
You will need to learn one track from both @theBarre Tone and @theBarre Amplify to present and self critique at your training as part of the assessment
You will need to know the order of the tracks prior to training and as part of the assessment criteria, found on the content page of the manuals
Please bring a device you can use to video the training as it is your visual reference and a learning tool. Smart phones, iPads, video cameras/GoPros are suitable.
Continued Education Criteria - To maintain registration with Fitness Australia, exercise professionals must complete twenty continuing education credits (CECs) through educational programs and professional experience over every 2 year registration period. @theBarre is registered with Fitness Australia. To receive full certification including 15 CEC’s you will need to complete both programs @theBarre Tone level 1 worth 8 CEC's and @theBarre Amplify level 1 worth 7 CEC's.
Sydney Class Practice Package Specials:
Eligible instructors only
With the courses you are offered 4 free practice classes for each course @theBarre Tone and @theBarre Amplify.
You also have the opportunity to purchase packages of 10 classes at half price $10 per class+GST for further practice if purchased on the day of the course. This will offer you a chance to team teach and get your final evaluation in a friendlier manner by the qualified instructor taking that class.
Option is to come in for an evaluation 1 month after your course at a cost of $100.
Quarterly updates:
We now have 13 series of each program but we love to continuously upgrade and add fresh tracks & music @theBarre. All certified @theBarre instructors are eligible to access upgraded course materials including twice yearly brand new choreographed tracks for both classes, including new suggested playlists, training manuals and videos.
For more information and cost please click below:
Terms & Conditions:
Any facilities running @theBarre classes must place them on their time table under the class name @theBarre Tone and @theBarre Amplify.
Classes may not be taught as an integration with other programs.
Class tracks must be taught in sequence but can be mixed using like for like tracks from any release.
Please note courses are unfortunately non-refundable, but due to unforeseen circumstances may be done at a later date.
To speak to our team click here
Copyright © 2018 @theBarre Studios