5 minutes with a #BARREBABE: Chelsea

chelsea edwardes.jpg

Where are you from?

A beautiful beachside town called Dunsborough in the South West of WA.

Where is your favorite place in Sydney to hang out?

Bronte Rockpool – with a book, snacks, my bf and sunshine!

What is your favourite place to eat? 

Porch in North Bondi – brekki, lunch or dinner are all fab. Or The Shop in Bondi.

What is your typical day? 

Up just after 5am to teach. Once that’s done it’s time for tea, a small snack and chill for an hour or so, followed by yoga/barre/run or a HIIT workout myself. I then love a late big yum brekki around 10:30 followed by a few hours of admin/emails/reading/cleaning/catching up with friends, then either heading off to my other job or teaching again in the evening. Ending with dinner, tea & choccie, a read of my book & bed. Wild I know!

What do you love the most about working @theBarre?

The girls!

What's on your life bucket list? 

Live in London & open a restaurant with my BF.

App you use most? 

Maps (I’m so good at getting lost!)

What song that always puts you in a good mood?

It changes a lot, however recently a friend introduced to me a playlist called Stress Relief – it’s all classical/piano music which is so relaxing and good for working/cooking.

First Barre class? 

At Flow Athletic – I remember thinking it would be a breeze, and dying from all the pulses!

Favourite meal post-Barre? 

Avo on toast + poached eggs + salt, pepper and lemon.

Your idea of true happiness is….

A healthy body and mind for me and all who matter to me (+ the whole world if poss)

What makes you laugh?


What makes you cry? 

Also too much to mention.

Can’t live without? 

Yoga, friends & family, boyfriend, fresh air, travel and sunshine.

Best advice you've ever received?

My dad has always said that ‘there is always someone worse off than you’ – so whenever I’m having a down time he reminds me to think of others in worse off situations. Once you realize that you’re breathing, moving, safe and warm it puts things in perspective and your issues looks pretty small in the grand scheme of things!

Favourite Barre move?

Anything with the loop bands – Core, glutes, arms it’s all juicy & great.

Something people don’t know about you?

Wish I had something cool, but I am a pretty open book!

Can I follow you on insta? 

YAsss. @chelseaedwardes