Let's get physical... virtually

Covid-19 update for studio clients

When our studios open...

We will have 2x zoom sessions a day for those who are on single vax waiting for their second jab.

Our Online Studio @MyHome is already live and ready to guide you through some fun workouts from the safety of your home. All of the team will be contributing fun workouts to the online studio so you can workout with your faves anytime and get fresh moves so you’re never bored. You can find out all about it HERE.

We know you have questions, and we hope this helps answer some of them...

During this period, the expiry on packages and hold period on memberships will be indefinite as we know there's enough on your mind without worrying about expiry dates or hold fees.

We have been touched and honoured by how many people are choosing to maintain their memberships, subscribing to our online studio or buying packs to use later to help us sustain our studios during this difficult time. if you can afford to, this little bit of income makes a huge difference to us. Our team rely on teaching for their income, and we want to look after them as much they want to look after you! 

So, really, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

If any of you are experiencing financial difficulty at this time or have lost jobs, please chat to us we are here to help. Now is the time our @theBarre community shines. 

With love from the whole team,
Li, Ellen, Caitlin, Marina, Carol, Sammy and Chloe xo